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Skyline R33 registration

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  • Skyline R33 registration

    I'm David, from Poland. Unfortunately I don't speak German, sorry.
    I hope I did everything right, if not, feel free to move that thread to an appropriate section.

    So, here's the problem - Here, in Poland it's impossible to register ANY right hand drive car. I'd like to buy the R33 Skyline and use it here, in Poland. But as it's impossible to register it here, I have to register that car elsewhere and I've heard that it's possible to do it in Germany. I can keep it on british plates, but it's way more comfortable for me to have it registered as close to Poland as possible.

    Question for you - is it possible to register RHD car in Germany, and if it is, do I have to be registered to an address in DE or maybe it's possible to register the car just using poste restante or friends address?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    czesc david ;)

    nie ma sprawy...musysz byc rejestrowany w niemczech zeby zameldowacz polish is not so good any more so i write better in english :P

    if you have understand my sentence than you have to be registered in germany to use the car in you have to have an adress in germany or maybe you find someone who register the car for you in germany and you drive it in poland with german plates and insurance ;)

    jak masz jesce wyencej pytanja to napisz




    • #3
      Tego sie nie spodziewalem :-) / I didn't expect to get the answer in Polish, cheers!. Is registering to an German address difficult or time-consuming? I wouldn't want to bother my friends in Germany, and a friend of mine would like to buy the R33 GTR as well, so that makes 2 cars that we'd have to register. Do you know, if it's possible to register to an doss-house (or anything like that) address? or is there any other way of registering in Germany without involving friends?

      btw. do you have the R33 GTR? would you mind sharing some thoughts about that car (even if you dont have the GTR, I'd still like to hear something from the R33 user)?

      Dziekuje i pozdrawiam!


      • #4
        Czesc David,

        dlacego nie dasz przerobic skylina na LHD? Duzo firm w polsce przeciesz przerabia samochody z RHD na LHD?

        Sorry for that bad polish :P

